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13.08 Pick a Flower @ Geburtstag Garten Party Beatbox & Bass Berlin
11.09 Pick a Flower @ Wagen & Winnen Beatbox & Bass Gledeberg Link


Vergangene Termine


27.01. 10:30h Razzzones @ 32. IKF 2020 Livesound Freiburg
31.01. 20:00h Anaí & the DNA’s @ Glaubitz Trombone Colmar
01.02. 16:30h Anaí & the DNA’s @ DHivercite Trombone Colmar
02.02. Anaí & the DNA’s @ Centre Europa Trombone Colmar
06.02. 20:00h Anaí & the DNA’s @ Spanisches Kultur Zentrum Trombone Köln
07.02. 20:30h Juzzbox @ Artistania Soli Birthday festival Piano & Beatbox Berlin Link
07.03. 24:00h Pick a Flower @ WG-Party Beatbox & Bass Berlin
18.04. 24:00h POSTPONED Pick a Flower @ WG-Party Beatbox & Bass Berlin
30.05. 16:30h CANCELLED Pick a Flower @ Gut Corvin Beatbox & Bass Corvin
31.05. 15:00h CANCELLED Pick a Flower @ Rosenhof Göttien Beatbox & Bass Göttien
31.05. 22:00h CANCELLED Pick a Flower @ Nachtpunkt Beatbox & Bass Gledeberg